Ensign RED is a new unique mixture of red clovers
The blend of varieties balances production through the growing season, while maintaining excellent persistency and disease resistance.
Red clover swards, managed correctly and used in the right circumstances can meet the forage requirements of many farms and significantly improve the protein content and overall feeding value of the winter forage. It is better suited to silage production than white clover because of much more erect growth habit, up to 80cm and its significantly higher forage yields.
• Red clover silage has a high crude protein content of 16% to 20% and a ME content of 10 to 12MJ/KG DM
• Because red clover is high in phyto-oestrogen, breeding sheep should be kept off for six weeks either side of tupping
• Store/fat lambs can be fattened very effectively on red clover silage aftermathn
• Low levels of structural carbohydrate in the leaf result in higher intakes, better feed conversion and therefore improved animal performance