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NWF Ultra Cut ‘n’ Graze

An excellent cutting and grazing ley for up to 5 years duration. Will produce top quality high yielding silage cuts. Gives the option to graze after cutting


• Outstanding early spring growth
• Produces very high quality silage from an early cut
• Will produce three good cuts per year
• Grazing can be combined with cutting for a fully flexible ley
• Combines the massive yields of hybrid ryegrass with the persistence of perennial ryegrass

Designed For

• Excellent early season growth, ideal for early lambing or extended grazing of dairy cows
• Intensive cutting, up to three cuts per year, combined with high quality grazing
• Combines the yield of hybrids with the quality and persistence of perennial ryegrass


• A flexible, productive ley, ideal for those looking for early grass for sheep or cattle grazing, followed by two or three cuts of quality silage
• When cut only it will produce up to three prolific cuts of leafy, productive forage
• The varieties in the ley have been selected for their digestibility and palatability, which ensures maximum animal output
• Contains FINTONA, the highest yielding perennial ryegrass ever listed in the UK


3kg BANNFOOT Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
3kg KIRIAL Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
2kg GALGORM Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
3kg FINTONA Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
3kg BALLINTOY Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)

Sward Management

Hybrids lower temperature growth will give excellent early spring grazing. An early spring grazing can be followed by two cuts of quality silage or a cut of hay plus aftermath grazing. The ley will also produce extremely long-season productive grazing, capitalising on the early spring and late autumn growth of the hybrid ryegrasses.

Pack Size

14kg per acre, 1,361 seeds/m2