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Malt Residual Pellets

A well balanced medium energy and protein feed, providing a lot of digestible fibre and good pellet quality. Malt residual pellets are a co-product from the malting industry.


After screening, larger grains of malting barley are encouraged to sprout in order to convert the starch in the grain into sugars. The process is stopped and the sprouts or rootlets (malt culms) removed and dried. Malt residual pellets are formed from a pelleted combination of the malt culms and barley screenings.


Average energy, can be used as a lower cost filler which has a reasonable source of protein.


•   A good source of digestible fibre

•   High digestible fibre and lower starch content

•   Balanced nutrient composition

•   Consistent and durable pellet

Feed Rates

• Milking Cows Up to 3 (typically 2)kg
• Dry Cows Up to 2 kg
• Replacement Heifers Up to 2 kg and up to 30% of the DMI
• Calves (to 12 weeks) Up to 0.75kg and up to 20% of the DMI
• Growing Cattle Up to 3 kg and up to 30% of the DMI
• Finishing Cattle Up to 4 kg and up to 35% of the DMI
• Suckler Cows Up to 3 (typically 2)kg
• Ewes and Rams Up to 0.75 (typically 0.5)kg
• Hoggets and Lambs Up to 0.75 kg or up to 30% of the DMI