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Hipro Soya Ext 49

An extremely high protein feed providing energy and a balanced amino acid profile.
Soya beans when crushed produce three main products; oil, meal and hulls. The remainder is then heated and flaked.


Soya bean meal is probably the best quality vegetable protein source widely used around the world. It is high in protein and energy and has a good amino acid profile, being high in lysine, although methionine is low. High in phosphorus of which 50% is available. HiPro Soya does not have the hulls reblended in and is therefore lower in fibre, but higher in protein than other sources. A good source of B and D vitamins.


• An excellent source of high-quality protein
• Wide range of uses for many classes of livestock
• NWF use this product to produce Ultra Soy due to its consistent physical quality, the proximity of the production sites and its amino acid profile

Feed Rates

• Milking Cows Up to 4 (typically 2)kg
• Dry Cows Up to 2 kg
• Replacement Heifers Up to 2 kg and up to 30% of the DMI
• Calves (to 12 weeks) Up to 0.75 kg and up to 20% of the DMI
• Growing Cattle Up to 1.5 kg and up to 30% of the DMI
• Finishing Cattle Up to 2 kg and up to 35% of the DMI
• Suckler Cows Up to 2 (typically 1)kg
• Ewes and Rams Up to 0.75 (typically 0.25)kg
• Hoggets and Lambs Up to 0.75 kg and up to 30% of the DMI