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NWF Weekly Grass Watch

Grass Growth
Increasing 6kg/DM/ha, grass growth across Great Britain averaged 57kg DM/ha/day. This is 18kg DM/ha/day higher than for the same period last year. Whilst most regions saw a modest increase in grass growth, the change can mostly be attributed to the 53kg DM/ha/day increase recorded in the North East.

Milk Yield from Grazing (MYFG)
Despite increasing grass growth rates, MYFG has fallen again this week to M+1.26 litres/day, compared to M+3.07 litres/day recorded last week and M+7.57 litres/day recorded during the same period last year. The average estimated ME of grass hasn’t changed over the last few weeks, reported at 11.66MJ/kg DM, however, there has been a fall in potential grass DM intake, averaging at 7.24kg/day, which could affect the MYFG.
Across Scotland, the North West, North East and Yorkshire regions have seen negative MYFG values. Whilst Wales and the West, and the East have seen positive MYFG at M+3.5 litres/day and M+0.3 litres/day respectively.

Autumn Grass Staggers Risk
With the autumnal increase in grass growth rates seen over the last few weeks highlights the importance of ensuring adequate magnesium is being supplied within the diet.
Magnesium will help to minimise the seasonal risk of grass staggers, especially in autumn calvers. Not only does the lush autumnal pastures, with high potassium and low magnesium levels, increase the risk of grass staggers, the risk is also heightened by the wetter conditions in combination with the naturally lower sugar contents of grazing.

For more information on NWF Grass Seeds, call our traded products team on 0800 756 2787 or download the 2020 NWF Grass Seed Brochure HERE.

Source: Trouw Nutrition.

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