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NWF Weekly Grass Watch

For the 4th consecutive week, grass growth across Great Britain has fallen to average 51kg DM/ha/day, which is 5kg DM/ha/day less than last week. Compared to the same period in 2019, grass growth is still 2kg DM/ha/day ahead. The largest decline was recorded in the East, with a decrease of 22kg DM/ha/day. Despite the overall decline, the North West’s growth rates remained equal to last week, averaging at 71kg DM/ha/day and therefore achieved the highest grass growth rate recorded across all the regions.

Milk Yield from Grazing (MYFG)

Average MYFG has significantly increased this week to M+14.68 litre/day. Figures are +6.25 litres/day compared to last week and could be explained by the 2.9kg DM/day increase in potential dry matter intake from grazing. The highest potential MYFG, at M+22.0 litres/day, was recorded in the North East and Yorkshire, whilst the lowest recording was M+7.4 litres/day in the North West.
*The lab at Trouw has received a large number of samples from Wales and the West, accounting for 61% of total samples. No samples were received from Scotland this week and therefore Trouw is unable to advise on potential MYFG. This highlights the need for caution when interpreting these figures. Submission of individual farm samples is encouraged to improve the accuracy of the data and reduce regional skews.
Milk Loss from Excess Nitrogen

  • The last 5 weeks have seen crude protein levels in grazing above those reported for the same period last year, as well as above the 6-year averages.
  • It is important to consider an optimal balance of rumen degradable protein and fermentable metabolisable energy (FME) in the overall diet when assessing options to mitigate the effect of excess nitrogen.
  • Consider including NWF Opti Rumen into a diet to help balance excess nitrogen and improve nitrogen efficiency in the rumen.
  • The effects of excess nitrogen in grazing may reduce milk yield by 0.75litres/head/day and therefore addition of fermentable metabolisable energy sources and supplements such as NWF Opti Rumen should be considered to offset negative impacts.

For more information on NWF Grass Seeds, call our traded products team on 0800 756 2787 or download the 2020 NWF Grass Seed Brochure HERE.

Source: Trouw Nutrition.

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